1.      as quick as

a.     a sheet

2.      as fresh as

b.      a baby

3.      as pleased as

c.       a flash

4.      as right as

d.      a daisy

 5. to run like       

e.       a sieve

6.      as white as

f.        punch

7.     to cry like

g.     the wind

8.      to have a memory like

h.         rain


Match the adjectives to the nouns……Nouns


1.      pure, sheer, good, badchance

2.      little, slight,fifty-fifty, good

3.      pure,  sheer, unfortunate                                                  luck





Phrasal Verbs

I. Replace the phrases in bold with the phrasal verbs in the list in the correct form.

·         take over 

·         bring about

·         carry out

·         back out

·         blow up

·         beat up

·          go off


1. The war memorial was destroyed by an explosion.


2. The prisoner was hit and kicked many times by the enemy soldiers.


3. The bomb exploded in the town center.


4.  The soldiers claimed they were acting in accordance with others.


5.  The government had agreed to help the refugees, but when they realized how expensive it would be, they decided not to


6. The revolution did not cause any major political changes.


7. During the military coup, the army gained control of the parliament building



The use of the past tense


Past simple, past continuous or past perfect simple.

 Read the extract and put the verbs in the correct form and fill in the blanks.

The smith’s problems (1) ____________ ( begin) when they (2) _____________ ( arrive )

at the airport. They (3) ______________ ( stand ) in the queue to check in, when they (4)

_____________( hear ) that their plane had been delayed. They would have to wait around at the

airport for another four hours! They (5) ____________ ( decide) to do some shopping in the

airport shops, but ten minutes later all the shops (7) ____________ ( shut ) at 9:00PM.

 They (8) ______________ (find )  a newsagent that was open and they (9) ___________

( buy)___________________ some magazines and a few sweets to eat on the plane. The airline

representative (10) _____________ ( give ) them food coupons to use at the airport cafeteria but

when they (11)  ______________( get ) there it (12) ____________ ( be ) so full that they

couldn’t find a seat. They (13) _______________ ( think ) they might treat themselves to a meal

in the expensive restaurant near the first class lounge. Unfortunately, when the bill (14)

___________ (come) they (15 ) ______________ ( realise ) that they (16 ) ______________ (

change ) most of their money in to US dollars and they couldn’t pay it.

