Words and their meaning.

Words meaning.


1.    Image                             -- means something you can see

2.    Surpass                          -- to be beyond or go beyond.

3.    Stare                               -- to look at something with wide eyes open

4.    Laboratory                    -- a room for scientific experiment

5.    Copious                          -- plentiful in number, something that is much

6.    Examination                  -- a formal test of a person’s knowledge.

7.    Minute                           -- a period of time equal to sixty seconds.

8.    Fragment                       -- a broken part of something.

9.    Triumphantly                -- being victorious or successful.

10.          Panic                               -- being in a state of fear

11.          Eyepiece                     -- a type of lenses attached to a variety of optical devices

12.          Astonishing                 -- extremely surprising or amazing.

13.          Dazzling.                     – extremely bright, colorful or impressive.



Circle the correct answer.

1.    If you are in a panic, you feel

a.    happy      b. scared      c. sad.

2.    You might act triumphantly if you just ____ a race.

a.    watched    b. lost    c. won.

3.    You might feel astonishing if you are

a.    asleep     b.  amazed    c.  bored.

4.    Sunshine and diamond can be both

a.    cold    b. dark    c. dazzling.

5.    To use a microscope, you should ___ into the eyepiece.

a.    Stare   b. push   c. sneeze.

6.    If you surpass someone, you’re ___ them.

a.    beside    b. ahead    c. behind.

Replace the word in brackets (), chose from word list above

1.    there was a _______ amount of dust in the old house. (large).

2.    My doctor’s _______ showed that I was well (check).

3.    The toy furniture was ________ (tiny)

4.    The scientist performed experiments in his __________ (workshop).

5.    I cut the _________ out of the magazine to use in my project (picture).