

Match the words in Col. A with their antonyms from Col.B

                      A                                                                           B

1.      Pessimistic                         


a.     beneficial

2.      Miserable


b.      happy

3.      Alert


c.       stupidity

4.     Keenly


d.      optimistic

5.     Voluntarily


e.       sleepy

6.      detrimental


f.        compulsorily

7.       Boon


g.     superficially

8.      Wisdom


h.     disadvantage

9.     Severity


i.       immediately

10 eventually


j.       mildness


Words and phrases

What do the following words mean? Match the words in col. A with their meanings on the right in col. B

                                  A                                                                    B

 1. Graveyard shift


a.     Periods of time when   somebody works outside of normal working hours. 


 2. Jet lag


b.     The inability to sleep


 3.  Insomnia


c.  The body’s rhythms of sleeping and waking. 


4. Unsociable hours


d.   What passengers of long distance flights suffer


 5. Body clock


e.  Hours of work during the night



Text Analysis : Task 4

1.    _______________________

2.    _______________________

3.    _______________________

4.    _______________________

5.    _______________________

6.    _______________________


1A Language focus: Identifying jobs

Use the words from Col. A and the appropriate words from the box to form different types of workers and professionals.

programmer, collector, executive, worker, designer, scout,


fighter, surgeon, hygienist, technician, practitioner, servant



                          A                                                                           B






































The world of work

Creative : ______________________________________________

Manual : ______________________________________________

  Professional: ____________________________________________


Building up your vocabulary

In the workplace

3.    1. ________________

       2. _________________

       3. _________________

       4.  _________________

       5. _________________

       6. ____________________

       7. ___________________

       8. __________________



        1. _____________


        3. ______________

        4. _______________

        5. _______________ 

        6. _______________

        7. ________________

        8. ________________  




5. Complete the spider grams with the words:


mate   satisfaction, title, load, place, shop  description, bench, market, hunter, station, centre,   prospects  , horse





………………………..         ………………………..        ……………………………

              ………………....     work ………….


………………………….                               ………………………………….



          ………………………..         ………………………..        ……………………………

              ………………....      Job ………….


………………………….                               ………………………………….

Personality traits


Someone who is quick at solving problems, wants to do exactly right, likes to tell stories, look busy but not productive, likes to cause troubles for others, someone who cannot reply in the negative to his boss, who works long hours, unusual interest in office machinery




The whizz -

The perfectionist -

The paper- shuffler -

The gossip -

The stirrer -

The workaholic -

The slave driver -

The yes-man -

The techno-freak --


Match the fixed phrases with their meanings:


Phrasal Verbs                   



                       --------------------------> into /      across / up / off / around



1.      I just can’t seem to ( communicate) get across to my boss.

2.      After a difficult day at the office, I like to (eliminate)_____________stress by digging in my garden.

3.      The Manager is terribly busy tomorrow but ill try to___________ you _____________

( fit into) her schedule.

4.      If the workers return to their jobs this week, we might manage to ___________

( overcome ) the delays in production.

5.      By the end of the incredibly busy day, Mona had _______ herself ___________ (cause to be upset) into quite a state.

What do these words mean:(Make a sentence with the words).

1.      Incentive: ___________________________________________________________-.

2.       Morale-___________________________________________________________.

3.       Adamant:___________________________________________________________.

4.      Devised:____________________________________________________________.

5.      Readily:____________________________________________________________.

6.      Commitments:____________________________________________________________.

7.      Pilot (V) ____________________________________________________________.

8.      Core:_____________________________________________________________.                          


Writing proposals

1. You are the school prefect(leader) and your school principal has asked you to write a proposal regarding how to improvise the learning resource center of your school so that students are persuaded to use it more often.



2. You have been doing a summer internship in a marketing company. The office Manager has asked you to implement some changes to make the office a more pleasant place to work and he has asked you to write a proposal suggesting how this should be done. Write your proposal in 220-260 words.

Points to ponder:

1.      What is the purpose of your proposal?

2.      Who is the target reader?

3.      How formal does your writing be?

4.      What information should you include in your proposal?

5.      In what ways could an office be made more pleasant? (décor, equipment, desk, areas/spaces)



Fit for life

Vocabulary: What do these words mean….

Physiotherapy, workout, surgery, diet, medication, acupuncture, sport, surgery, dispelled, propelled, misconceptions, intrigued, dead end, efficacious, credit, substance, influence, trigger



Meanings :




3. Text Analysis



1. what is riddle referred to in line 14 ?


2. What does the writer mean by the phrase, “it was greeted with much skepticism” (18-19)


3. Explain the phrase “place medicine on a new footing” ( 25-26)




1.      ______________________________



2.      _________________________________




3.      _________________________________



Language focus:

Match the conditions on the left with the complaints on the right:




a. My voice is going


              2. inflamed joints

b. Everything is hazy


        3.blurred vision

c. It hurts when I breathe.


              4. chest pain

d. I can’t bend my knees or my elbows


              5. hoarseness

e.I’ve got these red blotches all over my





Match the pairs of adjectives to the nouns to form collocations.



1.      Excruciating/ nagging

a.       bleeding

2.      Full/ miraculous

b.      tests

3.      Internal/massive

c.       treatment

4.      Contagious/mysterious

d.      injury

5.      On –the-spot/ outpatient

e.       pain

6.      Lightning/automatic

f.       recovery

7.      Rigorous/ annual

g.      disease

8.      Sports/nasty

h.      reflexes


Use the collocations to complete the sentences.

1.      Considering the age and the seriousness of his illness, he really did make a(an) ___________________ recovery.


2.      Luckily, I can receive_________________ treatment and avoid along hospital stay.


3.      After a series of __________________ tests, my doctor assured, me that there was nothing wrong with me.


4.      The ________________ disease has baffled scientists for years!


5.      The boxer’s _____________ reflexes and incredible speed led to his winning the heavy weight title




1.      be over

a.       bill of health

2.      be given a clean

b.      upper lip

3.      be black

c.       and blue

4.      be fit as

d.      one’s stomach

5.      have butterflies in

e.        mind and body

6.      kick up

f.        out of someone

7.      scare the life

g.        a fiddle

8.      be of sound

h.        one’s heels

9.      have nerves

i.          the hill

10.   keep a stiff

j.          of steel




1.      Really stressed-

2.      Usually-

3.      Considering the ways things are -

4.      Not old enough -

5.      Being investigated -


Confusing Words


1.      Nervous/neurotic

2.      Shadow/shade

3.      Tasteful/tasty

4.      Destroy/spoil

5.      Wonder/wander

6.      Agreeable/agreed

7.      Opposed/opposite

8.      Effect/affect

9.      Economic/economical

10.  Sensitive/sensible

11.  Alternate/alternative

12.  Alone/lonely

Make sentences with each word to differentiate the meaning.



     2 a. ______________________________________________________________

        b.  ______________________________________________________________




     4 a. ______________________________________________________________

        b.  ______________________________________________________________




     6 a. ______________________________________________________________

        b.  ______________________________________________________________




     8 a. ______________________________________________________________

        b.  ______________________________________________________________





     10 a. ______________________________________________________________

        b.  ______________________________________________________________




     12 a. ______________________________________________________________

        b.  ______________________________________________________________



Writing Letters/ Emails

Reference letters

Opening Paragraph

·         Reason for writing

·         Your relationship with the person

·         Reasons for recommending

·         Your friend’s hobbies and interests

First Paragraph

·         How your friend fulfills the job requirements?

(skills, personal qualities etc….. )

Second Paragraph

·         Further details of your friend’s suitability

·         Extensive additional information


·         Summary of the body paragraphs

·         Recommendations

Reference letter

Your friend has successfully gained at a top university to study English, but she/he cannot afford the tuition fees. The university is offering a scholarship for good students. Your friend has asked you to write a reference detailing her/his achievements in the field of English, her/his academic background and her/his potential.
