P.O. Box 745, Barka, Sultanate of Oman
0096891116996            AR     ENG

    My dearest students,

 My pioneers, bearers of the torch of science, hope and makers of a bright tomorrow, Always be ambitious and dreaming like butterflies that never stop flying. Adorn yourself with morals and persistence, as goals cannot be achieved without hard work and effort.
 Major life goals will not be achieved by wishing, but rather by hard work and combating challenges and difficulties. A person always wins with the extent of his determination, perseverance, and belief in his abilities.
   My superheroes,
 Learning style has been changed and evolved and is no longer limited to a notebook or a textbook. Rather, it has become necessary for students to search, scrutinize, and acquire multiple skills through the various activities and knowledge that should be acquainted within several fields.
 And since the school provides the appropriate environment for learning and the beginning of the formation of awareness and perception, our community and also our family represents important aspects of a student's life.
 This great and unique interaction between all these elements produces creative generations imbibed with good morals.
 Thus, science has a great value in preparing conscious minds that love knowledge and are open to values, yearning for an aspiration that takes them high towards broader and more comprehensive horizons.
 Therefore, my dear students, I always invite you to strive to learn and invest your time in reading or doing useful things that will help you gain self-confidence and enrich your knowledge.
 My message to you is summed up in these beautiful poetic verses:
 O seeker of knowledge, do not seek it in return, for you have won, by the Lord of the tablet and the pen
 And sanctify knowledge and know the extent in speech, deed and etiquette, so stick to it
 And strive with strong determination that does not bend it.
 If one knew the importance of knowledge, he would not sleep.
 So strive always for knowledge, my dear little pioneers, and do not waste time, and be peers to books and everything you benefit from in order to fly high in the sky of knowledge and so that we will be always proud of you.
Knowledge is the inheritance of prophecy.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Saida bint Hammadi al-Jabali

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   School Principal